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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  September 10, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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moment of silence. at the national cathedral, they will include a commemoration of 9/11. but for many people we spoke to, tomorrow is a day of private prayer and reflection. today on capitol hill muslims for life hosted its blood drive to honor 9/11 families. flags fly, rating the average rate, at including in arlington and along the 14th street bridge. this couple came to pray for those who surf. >> he said don't worry about me. he said i'm worried about you. he said carry-on and do everything you are doing in your community. >> it you know where you were at the time. just like i knew where i was when kennedy was assassinated. >> special prayers will be offered tomorrow.
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she was a sophomore in oklahoma in 2001. >> it triggered a lot of memories because i was in fourth grade. >> she remembers riding condolence letters in the fourth grade. he is now -- he participated in the annual service. >> out of the bad came some good? >> exactly. >> greater d.c. cares has organized thousands of volunteers they will be participating in various events throughout the city helping 50 different nonprofits as a way to commemorate the victims of that terrible tragedy. >> thank you. the federal government lists cancer among the illnesses that qualify for compensation under the 9/11 victims file.
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if they spent -- and they could develop cancer if they spent extensive time at the ground zero location. the law creating the fund was written to allow changes based on new medical research. >> and local police department is ready for the worst with new equipment. we were in rock hill today were people showed off a new radiation detected -- detection system. it can be used at traffic stops to see if the material to make a radioactive device are present. >> senior u.s. officials say al qaeda's no. 2 leader in yemen is dead. they say he was killed in an air strike along with five others. the missile was fired by an unmanned drone. u.s. officials would not incur -- would not confirm any involvement. the death is seen as a major blow to al qaeda. >> on to a developing story
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where police are looking for a suspect in an attempted sexual assault that happened on friday morning. a woman told police she came home and found a man inside her apartment and he tried to sexually assault her but he fled when he fought back. >> we turn now to the race for the white house and the new numbers in favor of president obama. a new poll shows the president with a decent lead. for the first time, he is ahead and another category as well. let's go to the newsroom to explain the post convention developments. >> let's talk money first. i will be damned. those are the words and the obama campaign they say they refuse to let the romney team met raise more cash. from the's team went to work in a state that could be some of the most coveted ground in politics. the president enjoying a bit of
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a left and not just at hands of one early supporter -- the conventions were seen by millions and they are increasing the president's lead. last week, he is up just by 1.10 new numbers show the league is five. does it mean that race is starting to sort itself out? >> i think it will favor obama right now. >> it seems like obama has gone ahead, but i am from illinois. >> republicans call the bump in number nothing but a sugar high, sure to receive quickly and many agree. >> i think it will keep going back and forth. >> the battle ground for much of that fight is ohio. no republican has ever taken the white house without winning the buckeye state and mitt romney was there today. >> we can get america it going again and growing again. i know how to do it. i need ohio to help me become the next president. >> help often means money.
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for the first time in four months, romney was are raised by obama. more than a million donors coming to his aid in august. it was close, and from here on out, that's what both teams expect. >> we have always believed this will be a very close race and that continues to be the president's belief. >> as for the bump in poll numbers, they are important but not necessarily reliable. carter looked good against reagan after the convention and dukakis had a lead against bush. we all know how those races turned out. >> back to work on capitol hill. congress was back in session and lawmakers have a full plate. with the election less than two months away, it is expected congress will only act on one thing, making sure the government does not partially shut down on september 30. it's believed most will head back to their districts to campaign for another term. the senate is expected to have a
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shortened september schedule. >> sentencing has been delayed a for a former d.c. chairman. instead of next thursday, brown will be sentenced on november 20. he is facing up to one year in prison for bank fraud and campaign finance violations. straight ahead this evening, a lawsuit in the case of a hospital worker accused of spreading a deadly disease. >> we will show you how virginia is making it easy to skip a stop at the toll booth during your drive. >> a murder mystery has a community looking for ask -- looking for answers and investigators looking for help. >> like today? let me tell
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the middle class is carrying a heavy load in america. but mitt romney doesn't see it. under the romney plan, a middle class family will pay an arage of up to $2,000 more a year in taxes. while at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himself a $250,000 tax cut so, romney hits the middle class harder... and gives millionaires an even bigger break. is that the way forward for america? i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ romney ]his president
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can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off undnder president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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>> we continue with a story coming together to talk about a murder mystery. >> amber stanley was killed in her bedroom last month. police have no clues or suspects in the case. let's go live now for more on tonight's meeting. >> in the weeks since the murder, people in this neighborhood have been frightened and concerned than they are looking for answers. police will meet with the residents but at this point, it does not look like they will be able to tell them much to allay
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their concerns. >> a 17-rolled honor student shot and killed in her own bed. >> it is rather peculiar. >> police say it was no random killing. the murder broke to the front of house and went directly to her room and opened fire. the killing has traumatized the committee. >> didn't they kicked the door in? >> the km -- apparent targeting of a teenage girls has residents anxious. some wonder why police have not made an arrest. the lack of progress has people tense and pondering possible scenarios. >> the way they shot her shows it was someone who knew her. >> but weeks after the murder, police will arrive here to answer questions about the investigation. >> it is frightening to see that you are in your house and you are supposed to be safe and as someone comes and does that. >> she worries about her mother
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who lives near the home where someone shot and killed amber. >> it is kind of scary because if it can happen to a young lady, it can happen to elderly people. >> residents will be meeting with police asking questions and investigators will be talking to the residents asking neighbors if they know of anything that could help solve this case. >> up next, time is running out to say something about to local power companies and their response to the storms. >> no complaints about today's beautiful weather. we will let you know how long it will stay with us. >> still pinching themselves after yesterday's when over the saints. what a performance by robert griffin the third. you have to stick around to hear what his teammates are saying about their quarterback did yesterday.
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? cause voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according
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to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs jand better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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[ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs lowering home values, puttingamilies at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message.
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>> there is a new lawsuit in the case of a health-care worker accused of infecting patients with hepatitis c. >> he is accused of infecting at least 31 people. when new hampshire lawyer says one of his clients was affected in 2008. he says it happened at the baltimore va facility in the hospital is taking responsibility. prosecutors say the inspections began in 2010. >> today is the final day to speak out about the june troubles when it took too long to get the lights on. today is the last day to submit a complaint to maryland. hearings are planned with utility companies on thursday and friday. >> vdot is making it easier to
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get easy passes. you will be able to buy them at selected white men's and giant's stores in virginia. there are plans to extend the program to other parts of the state. >> today was probably one of the nicest days we've had in months. >> and we're going to repeat it. >> for everybody that had not only the ratio but the ferocious storms. outside, this is how the day began as the dry air came and late. was a beautiful, cool morning with our temperature right over our fair route -- no better spot in the whole world. 75 degrees. the sun rises almost before 7 and in four weeks, it's a little after 7:00. watch out for the youngsters
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going out early before the school buses. cumberland and western maryland, temperatures and to the '60s because the air is so dry. remember last week how stifling it was when the dew points were in the '70s? you can notice the difference with a two-point him of 40's. only 77 degrees. tomorrow morning's record is 40 degrees. while we are getting a break look at that circulation. that is not less lead heading toward newfoundland. a hurricane watch for newfoundland. look at the dry and delightful air and temperatures up to our north in the '60s. burlington vermont is 60 degrees. through the next 24 hours, the high pressure will be the dominant whether maker with sunshine and tomorrow morning
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temperatures will be into the '40's. this is our hyper local feature cast. tomorrow afternoon, right around washington, and to the high 70's with low humidity. the pattern continues into wednesday. heading into school and work tomorrow morning, a nice sweater. even some low 40's and the valley. tomorrow afternoon, delightful with temperatures near 80 degrees. that pattern continues into the end of the week. the next chance for showers will be light. nothing like the storms we have on saturday. make sure to join us as our latest meteorologist joins us weekday mornings 4:00 to 7:00. >> that toyota sports desk --
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brought to you by your local toyota dealers -- moving you forward. >> i confess i am still pinching myself. >> [laughter] everybody has that friend who says i knew this was going to happen. >> ya right. did you really expect that record-setting debut from their rookie quarterback? a job dropping night with he was mature beyond his years as he led the redskins to a 40-32 win over the saints in new orleans. it is a performance he says he will never forget. >> to play in the nfl, the pinnacle of a ball and went against your first game and go against a hall of famer, he told me he was proud of me. that was big of him to say after
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they just lost the game. >> he wasn't the only impressive performance. how about the rookie seventh round draft choice. iran for 96 yards and then there was the redskins' defense that held down a powerful saints' offense for most of the game. >> our football team is mature enough to understand it was a nice win, but it was one when. what you do over the course of the season dictates what kind of team you are. when they come back on wednesday, we get started. >> almost lost in the mix of the thrilling performance yesterday was the unbelievably but the play by nick sunbird. he toughed it out, playing most of the game yesterday with a broken arm.
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>> backcast will come off at some point but the memories will last forever. >> it deals good, but it is unfortunate and sex today. >> he broke his arm and a blocked punt play. >> it got squeezed between the helmet and face mask. >> but his work day was far from over. >> i don't know too many guys that could do that and then snaps the ball and a you know you are going to be hitting it hard. >> you look at yourself and sewer you are made of. it was a test to myself. >> with his arm broken, he snaps the ball for more times for punts and four times for kicks. >> we all have a story to tell how we played with a guy who played the whole game with his broken arm and tossed out. >> how does he feel after toughing it out? >> it feels really good to hear
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some make positive things for the coaching staff and to know i made them proud. >> all of those snaps were perfect. >> the nationals start a three game set tonight and the ravens and the bengals. >> what an exciting game.
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president t clinton: this election to me is about which... candidate is more e likely to return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income... people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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>> we don't want this beautiful day to come to an end. >> it like groundhog day. you get to repeat it for a number of days. temperatures in the mid-70s and it will be in the '40's and 50's. there will be spots in the '40's and early sunrise. the next seven days are worth waiting for. temperatures in the low 80s but the comfortable low humidity the rest of the week. >> we have an waiting for this for quite awhile. >> you can join the three of us back here at 11:00. have a good one.
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the middle class is carrying a heavy load in america. but mitt romney doesn't see it. under the romney plan, a middle class family will pay an average of up to $2,000 re a year in taxes. while at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himsf a $250,000 tax cut so, romney hits the middle class harder... and gives millionaires an even bigger break. is that the way forward for america? i'm barack obama and i approve this message.
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6:29 pm
anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voti for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of ive... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better r off under preside obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american en


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